- If gone beyond the outer limits, I ‘OM’ (ॐ) will be destroyed, but I am absolutely eternal only because I am always absolutely & exactly at the Centre of everything of universe. So ” OM” (ॐ) is chief cosmic-code of the whole universe.
- ‘OM’ (ॐ) is the 1st cosmic-cause of universe as claimed by philosophy. But no scientific evidence till date. A ” Cosmocellular-Hypothesis” is an extract of 25 years of research-work which lays before you the ultimate authentication of this most ancient & eternal Cosmic Word “OM” (ॐ), …… according to laws of modern-science (Particles & waves physics, & modern medical science).
- It’s a scientifically (i.e. according to Thermodynamics-Laws based) Creator-finding Millennium-Metaphysics which is created, by a rational Hybridization between the ancient Vedic-science & modern-science (i.e. a Phoenix-like REVIVAL-RE-ENTRY of the Ancient VEDIC–SCIENCE,).
- If you don’t need any training for your daily natural-sleep; then you also absolutely don’t need mental-training for the self-practice of artificially-induced-sleep, i.e. sleepless-sleep (trance-meditation i.e. self-hypnosis) which is claimed by today’s so-called-meditation-tutors or yoga-guru.
- Actually, it will be our insufficient efforts to know the effect of trance-meditation (TM) or superconscious-mind’s-power, without properly & unbiasly understanding the scientific psychosomatic-mechanism of hypnosis / self-hypnosis. If, we are not agreed with the effect of trance-meditation (TM) or influence of the superconscious-human-mind; that means, we are also not agreed with the scientifically proved “effects of the hypnosis / self-hypnosis”. Actually, our modern-medicine has forgotten about the potential-strength of the human-mind; due to, its successful (but one-sided) running behind a powerful materialistic-drugs / researches only. No doubt, such its powerful materialistic-drugs / researches are absolutely succeeded, to explore so many mysteries of the physical-body & its conscious-mind. But, it has yet not been succeeded to reach the rest two bodies of the nature’s triple-creations of human-being; and that are the astral-body the ‘aura (bioelectromagnetic-field)’ which is organized by a subconscious-mind and subtle-body the biolight-spectrum or biological-power-point the ‘soul’ (
) i.e. the superconscious-human-mind. On other hand, an ancient Indian Vedic-science has explored so many mysterious-matters of these all three bodies / worlds, that are the purely-molecular-based material or physical-world, dually-nonmolecularly-molecular-based vital or astral-world & purely-nonmolecular-based causal or subtle-world. And they all are organized, by a universal-law of the ‘triple-creations / phenomena of nature’, as in an order to create & maintain their interrelated-&-interdependent cosmic-trio or cosmocellular-trio.
- “If gone beyond the outer-limits, I (cosmic-word-ॐ) will be destroyed; but I am absolutely eternal, only because I am always absolutely & exactly at the centre of everything”. So, thus, cosmic-word-(ॐ) is an infinitesimally-infinite chief-cosmic-code (or cosmic-DNA) or centrally-located cosmic-pacemaker of the whole universe (& its every living & nonliving matter and atom).
- As many number of nonmolecular “ॐ” (OMs) in the universe, so as number of molecular atoms in the universe; and as many number of (both molecular living-&-nonliving)-atoms in the universe, so as number of nonmolecular “ॐ” (Oms) in the universe. {That’s why, Vedically as well as Theoatomically, the term ‘Atomism’ is nonmolecularly-molecularly defined like, Atomism = Atom + Omism ; (or At + Omism). Also in a modern-term the ‘Atom’, a cosmic-word ‘OM’ (ॐ) is itself centrally-located & subtly hidden like, Atom = At + Om. Thus, it shows that OM is theoatomically & nonmolecularly-molecularly present at everywhere in the universe.} In such a way, Ohmism or Omism of cosmic-word-“ॐ” (Ohm or OM) is everything in universe; or an everything of universe is occurred at the Om. Where energy-&-matter are constantly, cyclically & nonmolecularly-molecularly interchanged according to Thermodynamics-laws of energy & Dr. Einstein’s famous-equation of the E = mc2, that the total mass-&-energy of the single-supercosmic-atom (
) is as great as that the total mass-&-energy of the whole physical-universe.
- Indeed, “we are not alone in the universe; and with that, we are also not just left as an organism without care-&-aim in the earthly-cradle of the universe, by our (whosoever most-believed) Creator”. It means, in universe, Someone is our aimfully & all-time care-taker, since our most- primitive jungle-life. Otherwise, on earth, the whole man-kind would have completely eradicated by the wild-animals, during his early jungle-life.
- According to ancient Vedic-astronomy as well as modern-astronomy,— in a fraction of a second, our expanding-universe grows or inflats from the smaller than an atom’s-sized to bigger than a galaxy-sized. So, here, we can see that how a very transient-cosmic-life-span (of 30 billion years) of our physical-universe is passed within a very fraction of a cosmic-moment, in an infinite-lap of the cosmological-constant or infinite-constant-space-time (which is spiritually called as the ‘God’ or ‘Mahakal’ or ‘Supreme-Soul’ of universe).
- According to Vedic-science, nature’s-law of Time-Replication as well as 1st- Thermodynamic-law of,- energy —–> matter —–> energy, how these both finite-divided-space-time (of finite physical-universe / matter) & infinite-constant-space-time (of infinite cosmic-energy) are responsible for a cyclically as well as in the exactly similar or identical-manner of repetition of every same physical-universe, repetition of every same matter, repetition of every same event of universe etc. etc., at the 30 billion years of cosmic-interval? That means, you have cyclically & repetitively come and will come in this world, at every 30 billion years, with your whatever today’s exactly same or identical (similar) physical-appearance with exactly repetition of your every event / thought (mental-energy-waves) of your present life. In short, the exact replication of the same physical-universe (& its every same matter / event) will again occur from the same, at regular cosmic-interval of 30 billion years. Thus, your cyclical & repetitive visit in this world with the same physical appearance followed by exactly similar present life with all the same events / thoughts repeating under the well-planned, fixed cyclical-manner is definitely about to happen every 30 billion years. In other words, you had read this concept, before 30 billion years; and will also read the same after 30 billion years, at the same place.
- How ancient Vedic-science had developed a cosmos-regenerating-technology to create the parallel-universe from the single atom (
), like an organ-regenerating-technology of the cloning & stem-cell-technology of modern-science? After-all, an atom (
) is the great universe, within itself. According to modern-physics as well as vedic-formula of,- “Suxmam (
) Analpam, Analpam Anatam (सुक्षम्म्म् अनल्पंम् | अनल्पंम् अनन्तंम् ||)”, it means, “the smaller the physical-capacity (volume) of matter / atom, the greater the potential of that matter / atom”.
- After-all, biologically / cosmobiologically or cosmocellularly, ‘Life’ is nothing but it is just a dynamic-expression of the nonmolecular-energy, at the different physical-platform-like special-molecular-levels of ecosystem of the earth; and these all different special-molecular-levels of the dynamic nonmolecular-energy at the ecological-scale, are biologically known as the different ‘living-species / beings’ : (thus, ‘Life’ is nothing but it’s just nonmolecularly-molecular expression of the energy-changes-&-exchanges among the special-molecular-matters. Where nonmolecular-energy & special-molecular-matter, both are behaved as two sides of the same coin the ‘ecology (nature)’ of earth. Hence, every time, it is difficult to explain everything about nonmolecular ‘Life’ as in a pure molecular-terms of the physics & chemistry). ……. After all, nothing lives forever, (cytocosmically i.e. biologically / electrobiologically); yet Life (cosmocellularly i.e. biophotoelectrically) continues since evolution of first life on the earth, — How?
- Indeed, all kinds of the plant-kingdoms & animal-kingdoms on the earth, had reproduced, are reproducing & will reproduce from their same species only. Thus, our ancestors were not the apes, but they were same as we look today. …….. How according to such joint-theory of cosmocellular-ancestory (and waves-&-particles-physics) as well as cytocosmic-ancestory,— can trace back us to Vedic-belief or philosophical-belief (which strongly prevailed before Charles Darwin) about the evolution of Life on the earth that each living-species evolved separately & that none had changed their forms? That means, how a man evolved from a man only, not from the ape or other species. In the other words, man has descended from man only, ape from ape only, tortoise from tortoise only, finch from finch only, frog from frog only, & rat from rat only; similarly a banyan tree from banyan-tree only, & mango-tree from mango-tree only etc. etc.? In short, a babool or banyan tree never never gives a mango-fruit.
- After-all, a man is a final-formation of the nature / God; and above that, as a whole,– electropsychobiologically his thought-waves (of a stream of neurophotoelectrons) & aura-waves (of a stream of biophotoelectrons) are the still-more end-product among all the energy-waves of Nature (& which are more powerful than the light-rays), in the ecosystem of earth.
- According to modern-science, 99.999% of the universe is a nonmolecular dark-energy (a suspended-cosmic-knowledge-waves), where only 00.001% is made-up of a molecular-based physical-matter. After-all, matter is nothing but it’s a positively-charged energy-particles (mostly proton & graviton particles). Thus, matter can neither create nor organise nor animate the matter, itself, according to nature’s universal-law of cosmobiogenesisness. Hence, according to ancient vedic-science, there are not only four dimensions (height, length, width & divided-space-time) of the physical-universe / matter; but there prevails total 36 dimensions of physical-universe / matter; and among them, the cosmic-knowledge (constant-space-time) is the supreme-dimension of the physical-universe, which organizes the rest all the dimensions of universe. And only this infinite- cosmic-knowledge remains constant before the creation & after the destruction of finite physical-universe. Hence, jointly according to ancient Vedic-science & modern-science (particles-&-waves-physics),– knowledge is the energy-(waves) & energy is the God, God is the energy-(waves) & energy-(waves) is / are the knowledge. Only this nonmolecularly, infinitely & universally (i.e. cosmocellularly) prevailed knowledge (nature’s super-intelligent-energy-waves) is / are able to create the molecular-based & finitely evolved physical-universe. Thus, knowledge itself is the nature’s intellectually-functioning-form of the special-energy-waves; (e.g. a downloading & transforming of the information-data in computer’s hard-disc is the e-evidence of transferring of universally prevalent knowledge-quantum-waves, according to quantum-mechanics).
- What is Soul “
” (Biological-Power-Point or Biolight-Spectrum or Biological-quantum-mechanics)? And what are its shape & size? Where is the Cosmocellular-location of ‘soul’ (
)? In our human-body, (i.e. an occult-ontoanatomy or Theophysiology of The Soul)? How the first photophysioelectrically (biophotoelectrically) & then electrobiologically a nonmolecular & infinite beam of the biophotons of the Biophotoelectric-Pacemaker i.e. the Soul’s Biolight-Spectrum (
) activates our all the molecular-based Living-cells of physical-body as a whole, to first nonmolecularly-molecularly (& then Molecularly-nonmolecularly) and harmoniously generate the “Life-Force” (a Life-evolving 4-16 micronmeter-wavelengths-containing Biological-Fir-Waves of the finite Strems Of Biophotoelectrons),— Jointly according to Vedic-science of Soul (
) & Dr. Einstein’s Theory of “Photoelectric-Effect”? ……. If All these ancient Vedic-things are true, then how does the ‘soul’ (
) enter in the organism when it is artificially created by a modern-method of the ‘Cloning’? What are the relations, between the Soul (
) & physical-body, and similarly between the Supreme-Soul (
) & physical-universe?
- A highly complexed Human-Living-Cell contains about more than 5000 chemical-compounds (not chemical-elements), and between all of them, there are constantly occurring more than 6 trillion chemical actions-&-reactions to constantly but finitely & entropically generate the stream of a biophotoelectrons-dependent Biological-Force (Physiological-Force or Life-Force).
- Theoelectrophysiologically,– ‘human-life’ is like an “electrocardiogram (ECG), i.e. as soul’s-signature”. It has always rise-&-fall-like up-&-down-graph; if it becomes steady or straight line, then one who dies; so always accept ups-&-downs, positively: Therefore, it is also said like,- “the Life sometimes suddenly takes unknown U-like-turn, but don’t be afraid to travel it; because, someday, that turn will take you to untouched-heights i.e. on the top of world”. Thus, ECG also exemplifies & makes us realize of,– how we closely reach near the death or how unknowingly-knowingly death approaches us, during our all-time life-finding-journey. After-all, a reading of the ECG is not just a (medical)-art, but it’s also a medicospiritual-art.
- A purely nonmolecular and infinite natural cosmocellular-pacemaker or biophotoelectric-pacemaker i.e. biological-power-point (
) the ‘soul’ itself certifies the one’s unfitness / fitness, through a various electrophysiological-/-electropathophysiological-waves-patterns of the different soul’s-working-styles which are later molecularly-nonmolecularly represented as in a different ECG-waves-patterns (as a soul’s-signatures) of every individual.
- Actually, before the superconscious-mental-force (autonomic-nervous-healing-force),— neither our modern-medical-science (allopathy), nor ancient-medical-science (Ayurveda) / homoeopathy / & other all the alternative-healing-systems etc. are rationally able to miraculously restore the health. Otherwise, no one can ever become ill, no one can ever die. Hence, no physician / surgeon / priest can claim that he has healed the patient. But, Where such (mostly placebo-based) “healing-bioism-force” (or restoring-self-reference-force) absolutely acts, and which is called as with many terms like,….. nature’s-healing-power, autoimmune-force, will-power, & blessing-force of God etc. etc. Where a symbolically-indicated / or given placebo-therapy during drug-trials in pharmacy-lab / clinical-trials in hospital, is an absolute evidence of the miraculous-medicineless-result of the autonomic-nervous-system of the superconscious-mind. Where a strongly-faith-based placebo-agent (nonmedicinal-substance) just acts as an inducting-medium (symbolic-need) to autosuggest / heterosuggest the patient, to activate his superconscious-mind (bio-Omism) to release the healing-bioism-(celluism)-force. Pharmacologically, ‘Placebo’ is an inactive-substance such as an use of the starch, glucose or lactose, or sometimes a use of the colourful tablets of vitamins etc., in some psychologically / psychobiologically disturbed patients.
- In ancient Indian Vedic-science, it is frequently said like, “to try to read or understand the nature’s-phenomena / laws, is to try to know the God’s-Mind or Cosmic-Master-Mind (i.e. called as an ‘intellectual-love / worship’ towards the nature / God); after-all, different nature’s-phenomena are nothing but they are the God’s different teleological-(aimful)-wishes, behind the different creations of universe”.
- This is just a glimpse. ……. Read more about the mysteries unfolded of this amazing universe & its most-miniatured-form the Human-Living-Cell, and get the most invaluable-knowledge from 25 years’ extract the “Cosmocellular-Hypothesis” …. [It has been published with 1st- Volume of (A/B/C) which contains A-4 sized 1725 pages with a different more than 200 multi-colour-figures. And shortly-releasing another 2nd-Volume, which also contains more than A-4 sized 1700 pages].